Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So... today was crap. Between a 1am plague of insecurities and inadequacies last night as I tried to go to bed, getting about 4 hours of sleep before class, shooting shitty in Archery, and random politics based crap drama, today was not a good day. But it brought about some random "religious discussion" with my mother, because that's her panacea. I mean, she uses modern medicine, she's not a christian scientist, but for emotional issues and shit, she basically prescribes "believe in three gods in one and call me in the morning."

And the thing is, I'm basically an apatheist, ie, I don't care about what's "true" as far as gods and metaphysics and religion and higher powers are concerned.

But, being the person I am, I cannot help, when I think about apatheism, but immediately think of Appa-theism, which would be the worship of the giant, six limbed flying bison from Avatar the Last Airbender. And when I think of a religion centered around that, I can't help but smile. Kind of like... well, like normal people and their religious delusions, when they count themselves amongst their god's brownie point people. The differences are that, a, I don't believe in a giant flying bison, b, I certainly don't believe he created humans, or anything for that matter, c, the god of Appatheism wants nothing but to be fed and maybe brushed on a roughly daily basis, and in return will be friendly, loyal, and protective, and d, you'd be really hard pressed to justify any atrocities in the name of a flying cartoon bison.

Oh, and secret benefit e, Appa doesn't make you feel guilty for wanting to bang an attractive passerby/eat an extra piece of cake/take a swing at an idiot/whatever.

I'm still not religious, but if the main purpose, from a basic functional standpoint, of religion is to provide contentment... hey, it works, eh?


so that worked. *roll eyes*

So the vitamin thing didn't exactly pan out... when my new class schedule started I somehow fell off the whole regimen of actually remembering to take a couple pills.

And I think it definitely affected me, once again. I'm back to negativity and idiocy. Woo....

anyway... I'm back!
...well damn.